"What's the difference between acrylic yarns and natural fibers?"
"Excuse me?"
Same question comes at me again.
I sputter like I'm choking on a ball of acrylic.
Do I really need to go there? Lets start with the basics....acrylic = plastic. It was kind of like the explanation I got on my way to Myrtle Beach (the first and last time). I was told it was the KMart of the beaches. At this point in my life the worst beach I had been to was Naples, Fla. which is far, far from dear old Myrtle. In my opinion, Myrtle Beach and acrylic yarn belong together.
I'm a yarn snob. I will shout it from the mountain tops. I will not root for excuses for myself. I will not apologize. I have no other hobbies. If I choose to spend my last nickel on a ball of the purest merino ever spun. I will.
This brings me to the whole beginning of the knitting adventure. It was a beautiful spring day. I met a dear friend at "the market" in Dayton. We were strolling along, minding our own, when it happened. There it was in all it's glory. Hanging for my eyes to spot. Imagine a small, market style, open air market with the sun shining abundantly. A small little booth with a couch, knitting needles, and all the Colinette Yarns I could possibly wrap my mind around. Remember, I didn't know the difference between Red Heart and Cashmere, and up to thus far I had no reason to care. I wanted everything this lady had. ALL OF IT! How much for all ya got? I only bought two skeins. I had no idea what I was going to do with it.
I looked at it for days. I loved it. It was decor.
I had to do something with it.
I bought a "You Can Knit In 10 Minutes" book.
I knit a scarf.
I obsessed with Colinette yarns.
I knit bags.
I knit sweaters.
I loved knitting!
Knitting brought a peace to my life. I'm in my place when I'm knitting.
I have been knitting for almost two years now. Time flies when your having fun.
The moral of the story is......
I guess I'll let you figure that out.
I sure am glad I bought those hanks of yarn that day. : )