Happy Easter to Everyone! What fun we've had around here. Tot was coloring herself along with the eggs! I so love the innocence of childhood. This must be the best age. Her excitement for life is intoxicating. Oh how I could ramble on.....
I visited Koenig Farm and Spinnery this week. This was such a treat for me. I've never been to a spinnery. I want one! Imagine that. I want everything wooly. Mark and Kathy were just charming. Mark immediately took Heather and I out into the pasture with the kids,I mean children, to feed the goats. Tot wanted a goat. She thought they were sheep. She's yelling baa baa the whole time. Just a funny girl, she was. After that Mark showed us how the spinnery operates, every detail. Kathy showed us the spinning machine and where she does her dying. Their yarns are just gorgeous. I love the wool and mohair blend. I had to scarf up some of that, and some roving, and some cotton. Yummy! Not to mention, definately stash enhancement materials. Definate bonus stop on our roadtrip to the lake! The Koenig's were simply charming. I will visit them again for sure. What fun!
So the count down to Sheep and Wool is on 29 days and I'm so counting. I'm so looking forward to this. I feel like Charlie going to the chocolate factory. Seriously. I've got a golden ticket. Maybe I'm more like Veruka or whatever her name was....blueberry girl. I'm going with my Mom and her two sisters one is an avid knitter, my Mom is a part timer, she's never been really bitten by the knitting thing. Can you imagine? They are all so much fun. We are taking Tot so that will make it even more fun.
I finished Tot's sweater in time for Easter, last night. She's so very proud of it. That makes me want to knit even more for her. I think it's so cute on her. Perfect fit. I must make another.
I'm getting ready to start some felted clogs. I had hoped to at the lake but the sweater took longer than I thought it would. I'm almost done with my summer tweed but I haven't knit on it in a couple of weeks. The Dale's are still looming over my head, and I have about 20 other things I want to knit, at least. I think I'll start my Nashua ecologie cotton next. I'm in love with that yarn.
Is there anybody out there in my sad little blogworld? Besides Tonia??? No offense to you, pumpkin. And She Knits blogged about how people blog and no one ever comments and how they must be the biggest losers or something to that extent. So Hello...... is there anybody out there? Can I please get some love here. Thank you very much. Have a great flippin day.