Friday, September 25, 2009

Look what came today!!!! I ordered these at TNNA and totally forgot about them! It was so fun to open this box!
I so lurve this!
This ones mine.....but more are on the way ; )


Sam said...

Super cute and so you!

SockStar/CaroleNJ said...

o that is too much - I love it! (It will go with our buttons!)

Marisol said...

O.K. I must have one of those skeleknits bags.... please please with sugar on top? Oh by the way how much are they and how can I git one?

Vanessa said...
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Vanessa said...

Susan how cool~!...
Thank You for the Comment on my one blog... I LOVE Nature and crafts...and I got to go camping in this rain and cold lol BUT I got to read and knit I was on cloud nine lol.This weekend coming is my BD so having a party I just so can't wait for life to slow down again lol